As a DORA-regulated entity, you face pressure to shape up your supplier risk management program by January 2025, the regulation's enforceable deadline. Achieve DORA readiness and build a standardized, repeatable program that supports operational resilience with ProcessUnity's best practices.
Join Joel Brandon, Sr. Director, and Brian O'Brochlain, Sr. Solutions Consultant, for a webinar on how to prepare your organization for DORA. Get key tips to achieve compliance in time for DORA enforcement and understand the supplier risk management practices regulated by DORA, while exploring the tools available to help you achieve compliance. By attending this webinar, you'll learn how to accelerate your existing DORA efforts with a formalized process for onboarding, ongoing monitoring and incident reporting.
Join this session for a discussion about:
- Best practices for achieving DORA compliance
- Implications for supplier risk management teams
- A demonstration of ProcessUnity's DORA solution

Brian has been working in risk management for over 9 years. With a keen focus on the financial sector and the impact of regulatory changes on third-party risk management, he has worked across product development, customer success and more recently as a solutions consultant. Brían is particularly interested in how technologies can help to streamline and automate business processes and risk mitigation activities.
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