Tracking and Mitigating Emerging Threats in Third-Party Risk Management

Companies are alerted to more indicators of compromise (IoCs) than ever before, leaving third-party risk management (TPRM) teams in a difficult position: they need to determine which IoCs demand investigation and which third parties were impacted by a given exploit, all while managing alerts at scale and trying to stay on budget.

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Cyber and Third-Party Risk Solutions

This white paper will explore the process of prioritizing third parties for incident response, building and distributing an incident-response questionnaire, and reporting on an organization’s risk status after a threat has been identified and evaluated.

Organizations are overwhelmed by the many indicators of compromise (IoCs) they are alerted to, yet many lack the resources to investigate even a fraction of these alerts thoroughly. Still, teams that take the time to understand their vendor ecosystem and internal risk environment can more effectively identify the threats likely to impact their organization and take decisive action to protect their data, access and customers.

This white paper will cover:

  • Third-party prioritization strategy
  • Relevant risk factors for evaluating emerging threats
  • Techniques for strategic vendor communication
  • Steps of the active threat response workflow

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