Third-Party Risk Management 

Executive Order on Cybersecurity: Prepare Your Program with Third-Party Risk Management

The Biden Administration’s executive order on cybersecurity set the tone for organizations nationwide to evaluate and improve their cybersecurity effectiveness. The ambitious guidelines will require cybersecurity programs to bolster their defenses internally and throughout their supply chain. Adapting to meet the heightened requirements ahead will be a challenge for even the best cybersecurity programs in 2022 and beyond.

Cybersecurity Executive Order Podcast

Join ProcessUnity and SecurityScorecard to review what the executive order entails and how your organization can prepare to standardize cybersecurity practices. In this expert roundtable, ProcessUnity’s Senior Vice President of Strategy, Todd Boehler, and SecurityScorecard’s Vice President of Government Affairs and Privacy, Charlie Moskowitz, provide an inside look at everything organizations need to know to improve their cybersecurity posture.

In 25-minutes, you’ll hear about:

  • Key Points in the Executive Order: The specific requirements of the executive order and where they apply within your organization.
  • Strategies to Prepare Your Organization for the Changes Ahead: Critical steps your organization can take to begin to address its internal and external cybersecurity posture.
  • Cybersecurity Frameworks to Baseline Your Program: The industry and government-standard cybersecurity frameworks your organization can use to standardize its controls.
  • Tips to Integrate Cybersecurity Throughout the Extended Enterprise: Cross-functional ways to integrate cybersecurity and third-party risk management.
Listen to the podcast now to improve your cybersecurity program with industry best practices today.

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