Third-Party Risk Management Automation


Practical Advice to Improve Scoring and Scoping Within Your Vendor Risk Program

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Vendor Risk Management - Scoring Assessments

Organizations that use a standard scoring model for Vendor Risk Management increase consistency, reduce subjectivity and accelerate program processes. Consistent scoring allows you to prioritize the depth and reach of your due diligence by directing your resources to the vendor relationships with the greatest potential risk, helping you mitigate risk more efficiently.

Download ProcessUnity’s new eBook, The Best Practices Guide to Vendor Risk Scoring, and get practical advice for improving scoring within your Vendor Risk Management program.

We’ll outline the latest thinking in scoring and scoping, including:

  • Rank vendors by criticality
  • Increase quantity and quality of vendor self-assessments
  • Remediate issues faster
  • Assess overall vendor performance
  • Quickly compile reports for management and regulatory reviews

Scoring is essential to creating an effective and efficient Vendor Risk program. Take the first/next steps towards improving your scoring capabilities. Complete the form on the right to get your copy of The Best Practices Guide to Vendor Risk Scoring today.