Download: The Rise of ESG in TPRM

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) and its role in Third-Party Risk Management have gained prominence this past year as regulators create new standards around ESG and customer expectations for transparency grow. This movement places focus on how organizations approach ESG-related domains – including climate change, carbon, modern slavery, trafficking, diversity/inclusion and anti-bribery/corruption – and examines how prepared they are to manage operational risk in their third-party ecosystem. Download ProcessUnity’s whitepaper and gain visibility into ESG-related risk today.

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Automate Your Vendor Risk Program

ProcessUnity’s cloud-based Third-Party Risk Management solution automates key vendor risk activities – from initial due diligence and onboarding, to ongoing self-assessments and executive/regulatory reporting.

Watch: 5-Minute Vendor Risk Demo

ProcessUnity Vendor Cloud is the leading online solution for Third-Party Risk Management. Watch our 5-minute video demo and see how Vendor Cloud can help you automate your Vendor Risk Management program.

More Best Practice Guides & Resources

Looking for more information on Vendor Risk Management best practices? Visit the ProcessUnity resource library for more white papers, ebooks and guides developed by the ProcessUnity team and our partners.