The gap is widening. Your Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) challenges aren't getting any easier -- onboarding still takes too long; you have a backlog of assessment work; and you're not covering as much of your vendor portfolio as you know you should. There are more vendors every day and there is more work to do, yet your TPRM resources have stayed relatively flat. It's impossible to keep up.
It doesn't have to be that way. Forward-thinking TPRM teams are changing the way they approach vendor assessments. They're updating yesterday's outdated practices with new ways of thinking and game-changing technologies. As a result, they are systematically closing their TPRM vulnerability gaps -- assessing a larger portion of vendors -- with more rigor than before -- while reducing cycle times and backlog.
Join this informative session for a new approach to an old problem. We'll discuss how to:
- Establish a Universal Data Core for TPRM: TPRM is a data problem. Learn how to build a program foundation via a single source of truth for all Third-Party Risk Management information.
- Leverage a Global Risk Exchange: Reduce assessment time and obtain questionnaire responses from hard-to-reach vendors, saving valuable resources.
- Elevate Human Performance with AI: Implement cutting-edge AI technologies to extend coverage across your entire vendor portfolio, not just your high-risk vendors.
- Transform Your Program: Change the perception of TPRM from a corporate annoyance to a critical function, opening doors to bigger roles in the company.

Naomi is a Senior Marketing Programs Manager at ProcessUnity and is responsible for thought-leadership and best practice programs.
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