Good cybersecurity governance is more important than ever before with new mandates from the SEC on cybersecurity risk management and the increasing emphasis placed on information security by investors. By building a cybersecurity governance framework that connects your programs and processes with your controls, frameworks and policies, you can increase visibility into your program and empower stakeholders to protect against cyber risk. 

In this webinar, you will learn how to: 

  • Establish a strong program baseline by crosswalking your controls, policies and procedures
  • Create enterprise-wide accountability for risks, policies and controls from the operational level to the board level
  • Align technology and departments on risk management workflows 
  • Optimize your program’s operations to improve your organization’s security posture
ProcessUnity Webinar Speaker
Andrew Egoroff
Senior Cybersecurity Specialist with ProcessUnity

Andrew is the Senior Cybersecurity Specialist at ProcessUnity. He has more than 25 years’ international experience providing cybersecurity advisory and consulting services across a wide variety of industry verticals in Australia, the UK and the USA.

Andrew is responsible for keeping up to date with all the latest cybersecurity trends and advancements, as well as evangelizing the use of ProcessUnity's Cybersecurity Program Management service offering for customers across the globe.
Naomi Phaneuf
Senior Marketing Programs Manager

Naomi is a Senior Marketing Programs Manager at ProcessUnity and is responsible for thought-leadership and best practice programs.

ProcessUnity Webinar Speaker
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